Google Nexus 5 LG mobile phone

I have a new mobile phone! I am so excited. And it’s not even a very new model – but I was really looking forward to upgrading my mobile phone camera to a better one, and I’m happy with the one that is in Google Nexus 5 LG device.

You can see user reviews for the phone and its camera here:
LG Nexus 5 UK Smartphone

As usual, I’m taking lots of photos on my dog walks almost every day. I can’t help it. I see something beautiful, and I want to capture it.

Woods in the spring, new leaves

Even my little doggies… who could resist them.

springer spaniels in bluebell woods

The other day I saw my first ever pink bluebells! So they are… pinkbells?

pink bluebells pinkbells

My absolute favourite local dog walk area is Stanmer Park Woods. There are these magnificient old beech trees there that I can’t walk past without taking a photo of them, no matter how hard I try. And they always look slightly different, depending on the weather.

Stanmer Park Great Wood Brighton

I am so excited about having a new camera … sorry, a new mobile phone. I can see a big difference in how this one deals with low light conditions – basically, about 100% better than my previous one. I am so looking forward to exploring the capabilities and possibilities of it!

spooky beech tree woods fog

By the way, if you would like to learn how to take great photos with your mobile phone, download my FREE e-book here: