The other day I met with a couple whose wedding I’m going to shoot in August. I offer a complimentary engagement shoot for every couple who book me as their wedding photographer. I offer it for the simple reason that it is for the benefit of both the couple and myself: it helps the couple get used to being photographed by me which in turn means that on their wedding day they will be more relaxed and look natural (=better) in the photos; it helps me to see what works best with them in photographic terms, as every person and every couple are different; and on top of all that, I get to meet the couple another time before their wedding so that we can have a catch up on their wedding plans, and we get to know each other a bit better, which all works towards me being able to take the best possible pictures on their wedding day, and all of us enjoying the experience.
I met up with Chris and Sophie in Stanmer Park for their engagement shoot. I soon saw that Sophie was very photogenic, relaxed and natural, and Chris very handsome but not so relaxed about being photographed. Not a problem – it’s brilliant that I found that out before the wedding day so I know that I may have to resort to trickery in order to get the photos I (and they!) want when we take the couples shots; I may have to ask Sophie to pinch Chris’s bum or something to make him relax (after the shock, haha)… we shall see.
I’m really looking forward to Chris and Sophie’s wedding – they are such lovely people, and a beautiful couple.