Posing Guide for Women
I have written a little posing guide for women and published it in a PDF format. You can download the guide FREE here: How to Look Your Best in Photos.
In the guide you will find my 9 top tips on how to look your best in photos.
As I do quite a lot of networking and go to various events where a photographer (either me or someone else) takes magazine society pages type photos of the guests, I have come across countless women who feel uncomfortable when someone points a camera at them. They say that they don’t know what to do and how to pose so that they look their best in the resulting photo. Some say that they always manage to look unattractive with a forced smile, have an uncomfortable strange pose and maybe even a double chin even if they don’t usually have one.
If you are one of those people, I feel your pain! The truth is I was like that, too, until a few years ago.
When I learned to pose people for portraits I learned some basic tips how to make women look their best in a photo. As I honed my skills as a portrait photographer, I became better at directing my subjects – and before I knew it, I was using the same tips myself whenever someone pointed a camera at me. So now I’m completely happy to be in a photo with others and don’t have to cringe every time I see photos of me posted on-line after the event. What a relief!
You can learn this very easily, too.
Read my guide and practice in front of a mirror before you go out next time so you can feel completely comfortable when someone takes your photo. No more strange double chin smiles and awkward poses that add 10 pounds to your weight.
Here’s to us all looking happy, interesting, confident and beautiful!
A taster of the tips in the PDF: (click on the photo for a link to the download)
Please note! Do not use tip no. 3 before you read the rest of it in the guide… or you might end up looking very strange indeed!
If you’d like to book a portrait shoot with me, find all the information here: Portrait photographer in Brighton.